Connect to your server over the web on port 80 after launch to go through the setup wizard. For security reasons, your login and password has been pre-set to "admin" with a password of the instance ID (i-XXX...) found in your AWS EC2 Console.

SSH to the server using the "ec2-user" and the key you specified at launch. Become root with "sudo su -" to administer your server from the command line. Note that the IPv4 address displayed in Linux is the private IP address of your instance. To connect to your instance over the web or using SIP clients, you must use the public IP address. (TIP: Set an Elastic IP for persistence.)


For production installations, select an instance type with at least 2GB of RAM. Functions requiring additional processing, such as transcoding, recording, and heavy call volumes, require larger instances.


Specify a Security Group with least access in mind, considering the protocols you will use. Open SSH and HTTP(S) for management. You may also open HTTP(S) to end-user networks for User Control Panel (UCP) access. Allow SIP (5060/5160) and RTP (10000-20000 UDP) to your SIP endpoints and disable the GUI's built-in Firewall Module. Alternatively, open the Security Group more broadly for your SIP endpoints and use the GUI's Firewall Module to allow access and filter intruders.