The Microsoft Azure image boots to the FreePBX out-of-box experience.
Connect to the GUI at your VM's IPv4 address. The initial form prompts you to set up your administrative login, so do this right away upon launch.
After a series of setup prompts, including language selection and the enabling of the firewall (recommended), you will be presented with the FreePBX dashboard, a simple monitor and control panel for your PBX. Basic connectivity and call routing is set up in Trunks (to your VoIP providers), Extensions (to your phones), and Inbound/Outbound Routes.
SSH to your VM's IPv4 address using the username and SSH key you specified during instance setup. FreePBX command-line tasks can be accomplished using the fwconsole command; you can connect to the Asterisk CLI with asterisk -r once you have become root.
Enabling the commercial repo
To enable commercial module access and install the free System Administration module, from the GUI:
- Admin -> Module Admin
- Select Commercial and then Check Online
- Select the System Admin module and choose Download and Install
From SSH, as root:
- fwconsole ma enablerepo commercial
- fwconsole ma listonline # to see a list of module options
- fwconsole ma downloadinstall sysadmin
- fwconsole r