Thanks for your note. I will enable the image in the AU region and let you know when ready.
Hi David, the image should be available to you now.
Good Morning Bill, thank you for the prompt response and making the image avaliable in AUS, I will give it a go today...
David Dolbel
Hi, i'm trying to deploy the image in Azure for AU however i'm getting a error saying Simon Telephonics doesn't allow it in AU.. any change you could make the image available in Australia.
{"code":"MarketplacePurchaseEligibilityFailed","message":"Marketplace purchase eligibilty check returned errors. See inner errors for details. ","details":[{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Offer with PublisherId: 'simontelephonics', OfferId: 'st-fpbx-distro-15' cannot be purchased due to validation errors. For more information see details. Correlation Id: '32382be3-b236-4505-8e7e-51970084cfac' The Publisher: 'simontelephonics' does not make available Offer: 'st-fpbx-distro-15', Plan: 'public' in your Subscription/Azure account’s region: 'AU'. Correlation Id: '32382be3-b236-4505-8e7e-51970084cfac'.[{\"The Publisher: 'simontelephonics' does not make available Offer: 'st-fpbx-distro-15', Plan: 'public' in your Subscription/Azure account’s region: 'AU'. Correlation Id: '32382be3-b236-4505-8e7e-51970084cfac'.\":\"StoreApi\"}]"}]}